
Om min forsking
Malin Bäck är doktorand i klinisk psykologi vid institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, IBL, vid Linköpings Universitet. Forskningsområdet för hennes avhandling är Interpersonell psykoterapi, IPT vid ätstörning. Malin har sedan 2008 varit engagerad i flera psykoterapistudier i olika roller; som forskare, handledare och psykoterapeut. Här kan du läsa om de olika projekten, dess publikationer och lite till.
Pågående projekt
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Senaste nytt inom forskning
Can a mentalizing and affect focused intervention, such as Interpersonal Psychotherapy, prevent or treat depression among people with Autism spectrum disorder?
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), focusing on relationship-related stress, has proven effective across various conditions, improving relational functioning, mentalization, and quality of life. Individuals on the autism spectrum often face depression, social...
Interpersonell psykoterapi vid ätstörning – en av pusselbitarna i ett rekommenderat behandlingsutbud
I samband med att Socialstyrelsen presenterat riktlinjer för ätstörningsbehandling och att vi vill uppmärksamma temat i samband med internationella ätstörningsdagen, vill vi här dela med oss av lite ny forskning, riktlinjer och ett par föreläsningar om IPT vid ätstörning.
Studie söker deltagare; Att jobba med IPT i grupp
Vi vill fråga dig om du vill delta i ett forskningsprojekt kring hur man lär sig och använder en metod. I det här dokumentet får du information om studien och om vad det innebär att delta. Läs mer här!
Nedan återfinns publikationer och anda presentationer som Malin varit involverad i på ett eller annat sätt.
Käll A, Bäck M, Fahlroth O, Ekeflod E, Lundberg A, Viberg N, Andersson G. Internet-based therapist-supported interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: A randomized controlled trial. J Affect Disord. 2024 Sep 27;369:188-194. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.09.171. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39343313.
ABSTRACT: Background: Depression is a common disorder for which there are several treatments options including different psychological treatments. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of internet-based interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for symptoms of depression in randomized controlled trial. Methods: Following recruitment via advertisement a total of 113 participants with mild to moderate symptoms of depression were included and randomized to either a ten-week internet-based IPT with weekly therapist guidance or a waitlist control condition. The primary outcome was symptoms of depression measured weekly with the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS-S) and at pre- and post-treatment assessment with the Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Secondary outcomes were self-rated quality of life and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. We also measured therapeutic alliance and treatment credibility. Outcomes were evaluated with a latent growth curve model (for MADRS-S) and robust linear regression models (for the other measures). The trial was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2021. Results: Significant differences favoring the treatment group were found on three of the four outcomes: BDI-II, quality of life ratings, and ratings of generalized anxiety. Between-group effect sizes for these outcomes were moderate (BDI-II, quality of life) or small (generalized anxiety). The latent growth curve model did not indicate a significant difference on the weekly MADRS-S ratings. Exploratory analyses did not show an association between therapeutic alliance, treatment credibility and outcome. Limitations: Missing data at post-treatment was high in the treatment group (37 %), though the missingness was not significantly related to observed ratings at pre-treatment or estimated trajectories during the treatment. Few participants completed all modules. The Covid-19 pandemic situation may have affected both effects and dropout rates. Conclusions: Internet-based IPT can lead to significant improvements, though the reductions in symptoms of depression were not consistent across the two measures used. Completion rates and dropout patterns suggest a need for improved acceptability. Trial registration: The trial was preregistered at (Identifier: NCT04721678). Registered January 2021.
Käll A, Bäck M, Welin C, Åman H, Bjerkander R, Wänman M, Lindegaard T, Berg M, Moche H, Shafran R, Andersson G. Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Treatments for Loneliness: A Randomized Controlled Three-Arm Trial Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Psychother Psychosom. 2021;90(5):351-358. doi: 10.1159/000516989. Epub 2021 Jun 28. PMID: 34182552.
ABSTRACT – Introduction: Chronic loneliness has been linked to many adverse outcomes, including mental health problems. Psychological treatment of loneliness can be effective, but the evidence base is limited. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of 2 internet-based interventions based on cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IIPT) relative to a wait-list control group and each other.Methods: A total of 170 participants were recruited and randomized to either 9 weeks of ICBT (n = 68), IIPT (n = 68), or a wait-list condition (n = 34). The primary outcome was loneliness, measured using the UCLA Loneliness Scale before, during, and after treatment. Secondary measures of psychiatric disorders and quality of life were administered before and after treatment. Follow-up was conducted 4 months after the treatment had ended. Primary outcome data were analyzed using growth curve modeling. Secondary outcomes were analyzed using robust regression models. The trial was preregistered ( ID: NCT03807154). Results: The ICBT condition had a significantly greater impact on loneliness compared to the wait-list and IIPT conditions. Effect sizes were moderate to large (Cohen d = 0.71) compared to the wait-list and moderate (d = 0.53) compared to IIPT. The IIPT condition did not differ significantly from the wait-list. Both active treatments led to significant increases in quality of life. Only the ICBT group had significantly lower symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety compared to the wait-list group. Treatment gains were maintained but not improved at follow-up. Conclusions: ICBT can be an efficacious option for alleviating loneliness. The IIPT intervention was not as effective.
Bäck, M., Falkenström, F., Gustafsson, S.A. et al. Reduction in depressive symptoms predicts improvement in eating disorder symptoms in interpersonal psychotherapy: results from a naturalistic study. J Eat Disord 8, 33 (2020).
Del av specialutgåvan ”Eating Disorders, Emotions and Mood Disorders” SE HÄR
ABSTRACT -Background: Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) can be effective for both Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and co-occurring depression. While changes in symptoms of Eating disorder (ED) and depression have been found to correlate, it is unclear how they interact during treatment and in which order the symptoms decrease. Methods: Thirty-one patients with BN and depressive symptoms received IPT using the manual IPT-BNm in a naturalistic design. The outcome was measured with the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS-S). Symptom improvement at each session was measured with Repeated Evaluation of Eating Disorder Symptoms (REDS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results: Significant improvements with large effect sizes were found on both ED symptoms and depression. The rates of change were linear for both BN and depression. A strong correlation between reduction of depressive symptoms and ED symptoms was found. Depressive symptom reduction at one session predicted improvement of ED symptoms at the next session. Conclusions: IPT-BNm had an effect on both BN and co-occurring depressive symptoms. The analyses indicated that reduction in depressive symptoms preceded reduction in bulimic symptoms.
Bäck M, Gustafsson S.A & Holmqvist R (2017) Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders with co-morbid depression: A pilot study, European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 19:4, 378-395, DOI: 10.1080/13642537.2017.1386226
ABSTRACT – Objective: Patients with eating disorders (ED) often suffer from co-morbid depression, which may complicate the ED treatment. Previous studies have found that ED interventions seem to have limited capacity to reduce depressive symptoms. Several studies of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), have found that when patients have been treated for depression, co-morbid symptoms have diminished. As depression and EDs are commonly co-occurring conditions, this pilot study aimed to examine the effect of an IPT treatment for these conditions, with the focus on the depressive symptoms. Method: In this multi-centre study, 16 patients with EDs and co-occurring major depression received 16 weeks of depression-focused IPT. Results: Significant improvements with substantial effect sizes were found for both depression (d = 1.48) and ED (d = .93). Symptom reduction in the two syndromes were strongly correlated (r = .625, p = .004). Patients with a restrictive ED did not improve on either depression or ED symptoms. Conclusion: These findings point to the usefulness of IPT for concurrent depression and ED with a bingeing/purging symptomatology. Working with negative affect and problem-solving related to current interpersonal problems may alleviate general psychological distress among these patients.
Böcker & Kapitel
Här finner du information om Böcker eller bokkapitel Malin antingen är författare eller medförfattare till, alternativet att hon intervjuats till boken eller på annat sätt medverkat till innehållet i boken.
Ravitz P, Sittampalam S, Bӓck, M, Croswell, K., Swartz, H.A., Singla, DR. Interpersonal Psychotherapy Training – Digital, Online Educational Formats. In: Weissman M, Mootz J, eds. Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Global Reach: Oxford University Press; 2024. ISBN: 9780197652084
Boken är Myrna Weissmans senaste bok där hon tillsammans med 75 medförfattare från 31 olika länder belyser spridningen av Interpersonell psykoterapi över hela världen samt olika anpassningar. Malin har varit med och skrivit ett kapitel om att utbilda i metoden i olika digitala format.
Ladda ner digital version gratis här
Bäck, M., Lindqvist-Bagge, A-S.(2023) Interpersonell psykoterapi In A-S. Lindqvist Bagge & M. Hildebrand Karlén(Eds.), Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi (pp.231-235) Liber ISBN: 978-91-47-14776-2
This chapter addresses the usefulness of Interpersonal Psychotherapy, IPT, in abuse and addiction treatment. More research is needed in this area. Based on the widespread comorbidity with various psychiatric conditions in this population, and the relational challenges of entering a drug-free life, IPT is presented here in ways to prepare the individual forward.
Här kan du beställa eller läsa mer om boken
Linell, Per (2022) Med språket genom tillvaron: en introduktion till dialogiska perspektiv på språkande, tänkande och kommunikation, Kapitel 6 Samtal och verksamheter ur ett Psykoterapisamtal. Linköpings Universitet, Studies in Language and Culture No. 35, ISBN 978-91-7929-093-1 (tryckt), ISBN 978-91-7929-094-8 (PDF), ISSN 1403-2570
I samband med en studie där jag och Katarina Lindstedt sökte en metod för att studera samskapandet i psykoterapi (från Konversationsanalys till ett samtalsanalytiskt briccolage), kom vi i kontakt med Per Linell. Vi ville finna ett bredare angrepssätt än traditionell konversationsanalys (CA). Utöver vår egen studie (running ahead), resulterade vårt samarbete i delar av ett bokkapitel i Pers senaste bok.
Jacobson K, Ljung T. (2023) Att ha en ätstörning – en del i relaterandet till mig själv och andra – en tematisk analys ur ett patientperspektiv: Linköpings University.
Jag var bihandledare i denna uppsats, utformare av dess studiedesign samt har senare gjort en fördjupande uppföljande studie (in press)..
Här kan du ta del av uppsatsen
Lundberg A, Viberg Nils (2021) INDIGO – KIND OF BLUE: Outcome and Mediation in the INDIGO-Study, a Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet Delivered Interpersonal Psychotherapy to Improve Depression. Linköping Universitet ISRN: LIU-IBL/PY-D—21/542-SE
Jag var bihandledare i denna uppsats, medskapare av IPT-manualen samt klinisk handledare i projektet.
Ekeflod, E., Fahlroth, O (2021) Indigo: Internet Administered Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression – A Mixed Method Study Regarding the Role of Mentalization in IIPT, Linköping Universitet, ISRN: LIU-IBL/PY-D—21/547-SE
Jag var bihandledare i denna uppsats, medskapare av IPT-manualen samt klinisk handledare i projektet
Bjerkander R, Welin C (2019) SOLUS 2.0: Cognitive behavioral therapy and Interpersonal psychotherapy for unwanted loneliness – A randomized controlled trial of internet-administered treatment for loneliness. Linköping University ISRN: LIU-IBL/PY-D—19/490—SE
Jag var bihandledare i denna uppsats, medskapare av IPT-manualen samt klinisk handledare i projektet
Wänman M, Åman H (2019) SOLUS 2.0: Alliance in Internet-administered cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy against unwanted loneliness. Linköping University ISRN: LIU-IBL/
Jag var bihandledare i denna uppsats, medskapare av IPT-manualen samt klinisk handledare i projektet
Bäck M, Von Scheele.C (2014) IPT for depressed patients with co-morbid eating disorder an intervention study without control group . Master IBL, Linköping Universitet LIU/IBL/PST-A–14/02—SE
Bäck M (2005) Flykten in i välmående – om maniska försvar; en fallstudie. Vallgatans Psykoterapiinstitut, Göteborg
Uppsats på psykoterapiutbildingen, steg ett.
Bäck M (1996) När maten blir ett helvete – en tematisk analys om bulimia nervosa ur ett missbruksperspektiv. Examensuppsats socionomprogrammet (c-uppsats) Mittuniversitetet Östersund.
Malin har frekvent presenterat sin forskning och andra projekt hon deltagit i vid olika nationella och internationella konferenser. Mer information om detta kommer snart.
Denna fliken är mest som kuriosa 🙂 Här finner ni lite diverse kring Malin som inte har med hennes forskning att göra men som på olika sätt kan ha ett värde att lyftas fram ändå:
Eldh M (2023) Malin började skejta som 45-åring: ”Det är en form av rolling yoga”. Ica Kuriren
2023 blev jag kontaktad av Margareta Eldh, frilandsjournalist som ville göra ett reportage om levnadsvanor. Då hon hört att jag är en skejtboardåkande psykoterapeut som forskar, bad hon att få intervjua mig. Här kan du läsa reportaget:
Malin började skejta som 45-åring: ”Det är en form av rolling yoga”
Heldmark T (2020) ”Köksbordsterapin räddade Emil” Ur P1 Vetenskapsradion, Sveriges radio
Vetenskapsjournalist Thomas Heldmark intervjuar förutom mig, Emil Johansson, programmerare och Rolf Holmqvist, professor i psykologi vid Linköpings universitet kring metoden IPT. Även om avsnittet beskriver iPT på ett fint sätt, så är det bästa med det här inslaget skildringen av en ung människas lidande i djup depression och sin väg ur den. Du kommer till programmet här:
sverigesradio.P1 Köksbordsterapin räddade Emil.
Havnesköld L, Elmqvist B (2020) ”Psykoterapi – De sex grundläggande kompetenserna” Studentlitteratur Lund SBN: 9789144117607
När Birgitta färdigställde denna bok efter Leifs tragiska bortgång, anlitade hon mig som sakkunnig kring Interpersonell psykoterapi. Tack för förtoendet.
Jag har även varit granskare för bland annat tidsskriften Psychotherapy Research.